Monday, July 27, 2009

The Waning Hours in Kodiak

Meghan and I stepped out for a walk after dinner to hunt for salmonberries. A month past the solstice, the evening light is fading as is the time we have left on the island. The next two days will be spent tying up loose ends and preparing for the voyage to the mainland with Reb to prepare the new homestead for Meghan's arrival next week. Although we were able to say goodbye to many of our friends during the Saltonstall's party on Saturday, we are feeling very nostalgic for the year that came and went all too fast.

We hiked a little ways up Kashevaroff Mountain to find bushes full of berries and, to Meghan's relief, no bruins. In the distance we watched the motions of the Kodiak we have come to know and love, the three new wind turbines churned through low clouds hanging over Pillar Mountain, the Horizon Kodiak container ship steamed toward Pier 3 and several cars slowed near bridges on the road to catch a glimpse of bears that have frequented the nearby streams in recent days.

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