Thursday, June 11, 2009

Earth, Wind and Pillar

The progress of the Pillar Mountain Wind Project is unfolding before our eyes. The first of its kind in Alaska, the Project is owned by Kodiak Electric Association (KEA) and Tetratech is installing the turbines . The photos below show the process of moving the three 1.5 megawatt turbines from sea level to the top of Pillar Mountain. Construction was on hold for about five days until visibility improved this weekend. We finally saw a completed turbine yesterday during an evening paddle. Thanks to KEA for the photos.

Offload pillars, machinehead and blades from barge

Transport pieces through town on custom trailers

Haul pieces up Pillar Mountain's 13% grade

Construct turbines while the sun shines

Turbine #4, ready for it to blow (Photo by Raymond Fletcher)


Zoya said...

very cool! pretty amazing process.. thanks for posting!

Meghan said...

I heard that one of the components was dented and might not be functional...can you confirm or deny, Sir Seeformiles?

Akensee4miles said...

A source close to the project has confirmed a dent on the tower of #5. Evidently experts are being flown in to smooth out the dent with a giant rolling pin.

Mary said...

While they're at it you should have them make a giant pie with their giant rolling pin :-D