To add to the excitement of Saturday's big event. I received a wetsuit in the mail just in time for a Monday evening session at Pasagshak (apologies to all lifelong surfers for my attempt at spouting the sport's jargon). Racecardriverzeropointfive (an alias) and his lovely life partner That Lady, along with Racecardrivernumerouno and his little brother Stokes swung by to pick me up on the way out the road for looksee at the waves. Collectively known as the Wilcos, the family makes the pilgrimage out to Pasagshak for surfing and beaching quite often. Needless to say I was definitely stoked to catch a ride (in the car).
The drive to Pasagshak alone is reason enough to make the trip. Along the way beautiful blue bays, lush green mountains and crystal clear streams offer a stunning glimpse at the rest of the island. Mornings and evenings are the most spectactular when the topography shapes shadows that enhance its grandeur.
Almost up...
We arrived at surf beach, just past Pasagshak, to find a few surfers enjoying a bonfire. As we walked to the beach we could see gray whale spouts in water past the breaking waves. Bald eagles and black-legged kittiwakes traversed the sky above. We jumped on to our boards and paddled out to the first break. As we sat waiting for the waves to set up the whales, swimming close, began to surface, jump and spyhop. The waves offered several chances for good rides, but my inexperience showed as I failed to successfully stand and ride a break. In the meantime, Racecardriverzeropointfive caught several waves and rode to shore. Although I didn't quite hang ten, I am determined to get back out to the beach and catch a ride. I would like to thank That Lady for taking pictures and keeping an eye out for sea creatures from shore.
Surf's up!
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