Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tour reflection

Before: with a Tour veteran

The symbolic end of another Alaskan winter came and went on Sunday as we took part in the 24th annual Tour of Anchorage ski marathon. After skiing the 40k distance last year I signed up for the 50k distance this year. Meg ran race support, shuttling me and friends to the start and cheering us on along the route. It's amazing how much mental space the Tour occupies throughout the winter. After the race I sat down and took off my ski boots and Lycra. I paused, and felt my brain empty out. I had nothing in the near future to prepare for - no more worries about race times or bonking or whether I was skiing enough. And although I would have liked to have skied the race a bit faster, I am satisfied with my results considering the winter that was. Meg's winter-long bar prep required added attention. I neglected to get seen for a knee injury that nagged all winter until three weeks ago. And preparations for this specific race were not adequate. At the risk of listing excuses, I rarely skied longer than 90 minutes at a time this winter and on race day I slept in and ended up eating breakfast too late which caused some serious difficulty on the very hilly first 10k. All in all, it was quite the learning experience and it was great seeing friends do so well. Looking forward to 2012...

After: 50k and still smiling


Zoya said...

What a great post. Love the photos and your thoughts on it all, bruce. Zoya

Mary said...

Congrats on an awesome race Bruce! PS: love your xcountry ski suit :-)