Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Confronting Winter

In the depths of winter, when temperatures drop and the sun barely pokes above the horizon, humans and animals either confront winter's short chilly days or retreat. There are several strategies for confronting the year's coldest days.
Chickadees cache food early in the winter to conserve valuable energy.
Moose and caribou use a circulatory system that warms blood in their legs as it returns to the heart.
Ptarmigan stuff a night's worth of food into their crop while roosting in snow.
Musk ox stand still. And wood frogs freeze.

Here are a few images of the Anchorage Bowl confronting winter.

1 comment:

Zoya, Patrick, Nora and Stuart said...

Nice video - I like the bird noises. And you obviously edited it (too many people don't). Patrick