Sunday, November 16, 2008

First Tracks and Pie

We celebrated a birthday up here on the island. Meghan and I took a sunny, snowy birthday hike on Saturday. And then she baked a pecan pie for me. Pecan became my favorite pie after a visit to Meghan's Grandparents in Arkansas a few years ago. We ate the pie for dessert after feasting on caribou lasagna at a friend's house. The next day I put on the skis for the first turns of year on Pyramid Mountain near town. The snow was soft on top over a layer of crust. It felt good to get the kinks out.
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NikB said...

Happy Belated B-Day (I'm so forgetfull these days with the whole new-90210 thing going on).

Akensee4miles said...

Look, I totally understand. Kel and Bren are probably just giving you a hard time. I wouldn't let it get to you.