Fall 08: Looking out into Womens Bay from the Kodiak harbor
The blog has been up for one year. We've found the blogosphere a great way to learn about the many fascinating lives people lead up in the Frontier. In fact, last night I met the author of the Anchorage Daily News Village Blog (find a link on the right). Give it a read if you have chance. The images posted here are the old banners from earlier editions of the blog. We've been trying to keep the titles seasonal. The current title is a picture from a ski outing in July. I am standing on the saddle between Erskine and Barometer peaks on Kodiak Island.
Winter 09: Meghan and a Steller sea lion in Kodiak harbor
(the boat pictured is actually named Provider and it fishes for scallops)
Spring 09: Meg paddling in Womens Bay in June